Dark as an Eggplant, Bright as an Orange

Good morning! And Bueno Happy Joyous Spring Equinox!

I have meditated today – and as noted from previous blog – I have not posted in nearly a year. What was the delay? Covid, work, family, procrastination, you name it! But this morning as I have been up enjoying the Crystal Blue Persuasion time since 3am… – “Dark as an eggplant, bright as an orange” was spoken to me several times by my guides.

So I looked up these delicious gifts from the earth – and oranges are primarily a winter gift and eggplant, in summer. So in between are we today! We find ourselves in the in between the dark and the bright light  – in the transitional light of SPRING. This morning in Los Angeles it is windy… it is also the Los Angeles Marathon – or as my kids have called it ‘the Jog-A-Thon’. People will be running, putting their training into action, stretching their endurance, achieving a goal and crossing a finish line – so EXCITING!

I am born 13 April, so Spring is my season ~ I love it, I live it and thrive. The winter darkness looks feels the color of aubergine ~ eggplant ~ to me. It can be smooth, hard, soft and huey. Summer, vibrant, hot and deserty, orangie bright where we live in the West Coast. Criss-crossing opposites, mixed and intertwined, like a garden created by the Goddess!

Spring is light, airy and colorful. Flower, bees, birds and bursting beauty everywhere. And in Los Angeles, the LIGHT… in Spring and Autumn, it is all about the LIGHT of Los Angeles… magic, mayhem, magnificence, moments of beauty so inspiring, I could just weep! The history here, the ghosts, those who have planted before us… here we are. Yesterday, my girls and I planted flowers and reveled in digging our hands in the dirt ~ we await the miracle of growth sunshine and water bring!

We are still in a dark time in the world… obviously, there is great strife across our Earth, but I believe the great Goddess will prevail and the turn of good will happen. Our collective conscious will connect together. The power of the WILL OF GOOD can end the assault once and for all…

We learn from lessons in the Spring. We clean out in the Spring. We spring into ACTION in the spring (as I have written about before), LOVE springs forth in the SPRING and we are sprung from our pods. Covid be gone, battles of ignorance, bullying, insecurity and insane evil come to an end and HEALING and MAJESTY and EARTHLY MAGIC across the universe begin! BLESSE BE!



I was going to call this post, “I JUST CAN’T EVEN!” ~ Then I realized it was May 4th, 2021… The year of us walking through… that which we can’t even believe has happened. But it has, and it is not over… Covid-19 Pandemica is not over… but we are picking ourselves up and we are walking on… step by step, inch by inch…eye blink by eye blink, smile by smile…THE FORCE IS WITH US!

I have been away from this blog since January 2019- The start of the year the Earthquake of Coronavirus Magnitude 19 – jolted our planet. I often thought of my blog… but did not come here. You would THINK this would be the perfect time to blog, as many have through this experience, but I did not. With my family we were figuring out our new world – becoming home-school mom and working mom and navigating this experience the world has since the start of 2020. Friends and family have had Covid. Many friends are essential workers and we are grateful beyond for their tireless work. As we know, so many have left this planet because of this horrendous disease. It has been unfathomable. Our hearts have been turned inside out and squeezed from the tears, frustration, confusion and loss. But it, too, is like a sponge, and expanding again as healing comes. We are figuring it out.

The clouds seem to be passing in California and we getting back to school, many of us, back to work, back to production and the rebuilding of our lives in this new paradigm. Many in other countries are still in the thick of the Covid-19 ravaging storm. We pray every day.

My daughter and I spoke of a houseless woman we have known for years. We have not seen her in the neighborhood area since pandemic. As a family we spoke of her – a smart and articulate woman, living on the streets of West Hollywood. Her eyes have sparkle, even on days when her smile may not be shining. Today we wish this woman very well. We don’t know if she made it through this last year. My daughter said she spoke to God and God said, alas, she has not. But then we say to God and Goddess, please take care of her ~ May the Force be with her and all of you and all of US – for we are ONE ~ LET US NOT FORGET, BUT LET US STAY STRONG NOW AND WALK FORWARD IN PEACE.

As we walk, wearing our masks, wearing our determination to rise above, letting go of our judgments, but keeping our own inner power strong to be BETTER, KINDER, GIVING BLESSINGS TO ALL. May the Force of nature heal us, protect us, and the FORCE of the UNIVERSE guide us to use our imaginations to create a FRESH, VIBRANT and EXPANSIVE WORLD. May the FORCE of the GODDESS and GOD BLESS YOU and KEEP YOU as you STAND TALL and HEALED…. FIND THE FORCE WITHIN YOU AND BEAM IT ACROSS THE UNIVERSE ~ FIND THE GOOD IN THE RUIN AND EXPAND THAT BEAUTY TO ALL!





























Alicia Gargaro-Magaña

is the author of MISS FANCY PANTS

Barnes and Noble



I, who has been ‘away’ so to speak – in production – on a sound stage – away from the day-to-day of everyday life, am just reconnecting to the ‘real world.’

We’ve been in darkness during the light and light in the darkness. We’ve cycled our days and created art. We’ve just won 5 Emmy Awards for our show, RuPaul’s Drag Race! AH-MAZING!!!

Just like any job, really…we go into our day, produce, and at the time of the hour – at wrap – we depart. To leave, to go home to the family, or to a moonlight hike or a restaurant, or do a class, or to the beach… to watch the summer ocean waves drift on and off the sandy shore. We change and exchange, day for night, sand into glass, glass back to sand.


On the weekends, I have been recycling our bottles, cans and plastics to our local West Hollywood exchange. And on set, our talent team did our part to recycle bottles and cans acquired from production. For many weeks, we rather enjoyed our visit to the recycling deposits out in the far valleys. It was always an adventure. We met people. We saw families. We were there exchanging.

For years, I tossed all recycling in the designated blue bins; or I saved them to give to Donaldo, who often gathered bags full on collection days up and down our street. Now, at our house,  I’ve just set up a laundry divider, and re-purposed it to place the plastic, bottles and cans accordingly in their own organized bin. I don’t understand my own excitement about this. My divider cost more than I’ll collect from the deposits, but it is rather fab!

I have a larger obsession with trash and its journey over all –  and with recycling, I can concentrate on and do a bit right away. I can’t bear to see a plastic bottle left in a gutter! Money is being made I am sure…down the line as it is handed over and handed over and picked up and taken to a greater, bigger center in the far counties. Of the few dollars I do collect, I put in my daughter’s piggy bank, we get coffees for the team, or donate. Ultimately, it is exchanged and used for something else.

As human beings, we are exchanged and used for something else on a daily basis. Ideally, we are met with purpose.  I should like to think we make an impact, however, large or small in what we do, day-to-day. We are paid for the great jobs we do. We provide our talents and services – we form bonds for a short while. And just as we drink out of a can of soda, or a bottle of sparkle water – we are nourished in a sense (even a Coke can make us smile every now and then!) – and we are replenished – and then we are done. Sometimes we are finished with a job and another is brought on to do it – or that piece of work is effectively, wrapped as well.

We’ve moved on and we can discard the tools that helped us at that moment and turn to the next. We take on a new instrument, a new connection, a new favor. We experience a new moment of exchange. We learn from each and every one. We recycle our experience when we share it with another – or our work – what we know, we share. We can turn what we’ve learned into something else – something greater, perhaps. Something is not useless just because it has been emptied. It can be re-imagined, re-purposed, and re-filled. We are all vessels, vessels, vessels.

When we cannot see what we are meant to be in the world, if we feel lost or confused, we must refuel and re-imagine our purpose. If I am no longer a bottle of ice tea, I shall become a vase, upon a garden table in Silver Lake, or a mobile, hanging with other bottles, making music across the canyons. Or, I am melted down and recreated to become something else entirely. My journey is not over. This has all stretched my imagination farther than before. It helps me to think in new ways, even if it is just a short exercise. But I, with my new experience, am changed. I am exchanged. I am recycled. I am new. And if I’ve done something right for the environment in the while, then, blessed be! But I’ve taken action, however small, to get something going.

Over twenty years ago, in 1996, when I worked for Universal after it became part of Seagram, I wrote an interoffice memo to Edgar Bronfman, Jr. telling him that I used my Absolute Peppar bottles to make spicy olive oil. I called it ‘Absolute Recycle.’

Edgar Bronfman, Jr. kindly wrote me an interoffice memo in return – (this was before email!) – of which I still have in its interoffice envelope. In his memo, he noted he thought my idea showed promise and would share it. And…that he couldn’t resist telling me that Absolut was spelled without an ‘e.’


There you go! I, of course, was then inspired to create four very fabulous Absolut ads – if I do say so myself – which I sent on to Chiat/Day and promptly received a note back from the agency that they could not consider my ideas as I don’t work there. Hello… oh, well – I remained inspired, none the less, and it excited me!

Later, I had the wonderful opportunity to work for Ford Motor Company on American Idol for nine seasons. I succeeded in melding my production experience with branding… and I loved it. At the time I started, in 2007, the agency was J. Walter Thompson, which my father, originally from Michigan, was thrilled about! He passed away shortly after I started, happy that I had a fun job in the advertising sector, one that was historic in its purpose too!

I don’t drink now so I no longer collect those Absolut Peppar bottles, but I loved thinking it up and sharing the idea. And it was kind of Edgar Bronfman, Jr. to be so…well, kind about it. It’s an encouraging note and those are rare to see these days. But we persevere – we go into our own days, sharing our ideas, recycling ones that may not have worked originally, and make them into something else. We ourselves are changed and renewed. More useful, perhaps. Something original. Something all its own. I go into today, and know, the end is not the end, but truly a beginning. And I get to recycle and envision something rather new. And that is exciting in every way!

Alicia Gargaro-Magaña is the author of MISS FANCY PANTS

Barnes and Noble



Today, do what you can to share your INSPIRATION!

I say this, because I was told to do it by this lovely piece of street art. THANK YOU TO WHOEVER MADE THIS BEAUTIFUL ART! YOU ARE AH-MAZING!! BLESS!!

And voila! This is how we communicate with one another. It feels a little secretive, doesn’t it? And it’s EXCITING as my daughter loves to sing out. IT’S EXCITING!

takewhatyouneed-andshareIt’s very exciting when we share our inspiration – our LOVE, our HOPE, our UNDERSTANDING. When we come together, 750,000 people strong, standing, marching, being together for what we we BELIEVE and what CHANGE WE CAN BRING. When we SHARE we grow STRONGER. When we hold back and separate, we become weak, scared and full of fear. We have STRENGTH in ACCEPTANCE. As I know from my own big book, ACCEPTANCE IS THE ANSWER TO ALL MY PROBLEMS TODAY. If I accept and learn from the situation, I can grow. I can allow myself to CHANGE. And change is the only thing that is going to help us to GROW.

PEACE comes from acceptance. PEACE comes from UNDERSTANDING. Peace starts from within and gives us EYES TO SEE. When we look at the BIGGER PICTURE, we know WE ARE NOT ALONE. No matter how many borders are attempted to be erected, walls built, doors shut, we are STILL TOGETHER, STRONGER AND WISER, for our whole generation. Our WHOLE WORLD and UNIVERSE.

I love KARMA. I love watching it in action. I love knowing the laws of what we put out into the world will come back to us by the power of 3 times 3 times 3. I know that I can let the Goddesses and Gods do their work, for the bigger picture is working its own magic. What I need to do is be kind, loving and help another who might need just a little inspiration today. WE CAN DO IT because we have done it and will continue to do it, come what may. Just step in and join the world, take my hand and walk with me. We can do great and mighty things, WE ARE LOVE, with peace, joy, understanding and inspiration. Blessed BE!


Into the Sleeping Boat

I awaken to the sounds of birds all through the canyon. Actually, I haven’t slept all night, so I ARISE, I should say. Off the floor, off the couch, off the night I spent walking about my mother’s house, listening to snoring in other rooms. Wistful whispering sleep of others in yet others. Night owls and moon glow swooping over the mountains. Night in Palm Springs. Glorious as ever.

I am not a sleeper. I know I shouldn’t say it or put it in writing thus making it so. I know I should mantra, “I sleep like a dozing baby in the sunlight with not a care in the world.” But I don’t. Even as a young child, I awoke before dawn, before television started for the day – as television used to sign off at night and then start again at 6 in the morning. It wasn’t 24 hours until the late 1970’s – and I watched color bars until the flicker of the start of “Sesame Street” or “Electric Company” or “Dusty’s Treehouse” or “Captain Kanagroo” – I adored Mr. Green Jeans!

There are books galore on how to sleep. So many recently published by those who advocated less sleep in the past. Advice! Turn off electronics! Don’t drink coffee after breakfast! Don’t watch violent shows right before bed! (But I LOVE “Person of Interest” So very sad to see it go!), read, say affirmations! Relax! Recount your day like a movie, from wake up to into bed…Be grateful!

In high school, if we had a long night of partying, i.e. playing quarters, dancing to ABC and Bananarama and everyone passed out, I would still be awake. I missed the sleeping boat. It went across the river and left me on the banks. I watched it go. I sat up all night, listening to the snores, the drooling, the out-like-a-lights! If not in my own home with my parents away for the weekend, then in another, up in the Canyons, or the Hancock Parks, curled up in chairs by windows watching the night sky turn slowly into dawning day, panicked because I had not slept all night. What will tomorrow be like?

I should like to get into the lovely sleeping boat one night. I should like to travel in it down the river. Where does it go? To dreamland? To our parallel life and drop us off for the night? My beautiful aunt loved to sleep. She said she went to her parallel life every night. I know my parallel life is gorgeous and relaxing. Right now, we are in the South of France. Up on the hillside, overlooking fields and fields of lavender. I feel myself walking up the cobblestone ways of ancient Roman hilltop towns, buying provisions for our early dinner on the large table on the patio. There are colorful cushions everywhere, plenty of wine for those who drink and coffee and sparkle water for those who don’t, and we have not a care in the world… I feel it daily. I know I am there just as I am here. It’s vibrant, beautiful and inspiring. Everyday I dream of joining it with me here, in Southern California. And there, sleep is not an issue.

Waking up in Palm Springs puts me there too. I’m still the only one awake now. The hooting owls are hooting and buzzing bees swooping. I brought my Kings Road Coffee – (Hello! We need the best!) and I gaze at the lizardies skittering across the desert, hummingbirds hum by the flower bushes, and other critters twitter away, beginning their day.

Desert Sun Rise 12 20 15

I feel like if I put it in writing, things will change. A part of me knows that this is also learned experience. My grandmother didn’t sleep – my mother doesn’t sleep – I grew up with this. I am also 49 now and those of us who are my age knows what this means. During this transitional time, many women don’t sleep. My arms go numb as soon as I lie down, so I know I have to go back to the doctor to have them adjust me. Sometimes I am nervous to close my eyes and disappear and I can’t seem to get over it. What will I miss? What really happens to us when we sleep?

People tell me I will. Now, as I get this all out – it feels like a lot of manifesting noise to me. Wah wah wah! I can’t sleep! Who cares! I know it’s important, but get over it! Just do it! Ha! It’s a storyline that is tiresome, literally, that is for sure. Even with all the how-to’s out there – I can only hope there may be someone out there who truly understands, when the directions don’t help. It makes me kooky, not to mention not feeling pretty at all. How much beauty crème can a gal apply?? How many times can I ask why?

I am a blessed and bountiful Goddess with gifts galore and truly, not a real care in the world. Bills and debts and concerns for the future are all just facts of life. They are not special to me alone. I need to stop thinking about those and get on the sleeping boat and see where it goes. To not be afraid to sleep. To join my parallel life and visit it for real. I know I sleep there, because I wake up refreshed, ready to go into the day, day after day! And where today? Train to Paris, of course! Or truly…back to L.A.!


Choice, choices, choose – the DECISIONS we make are each CHOICES. We CHOOSE to take action. Though we sometimes feel like we do things ‘automatically’ – if we are HONEST, we will see that is not so. We chose, perhaps unconsciously, be we still were the ones to INSTIGATE THE ACTION, with our thoughts…oh, our thoughts!

HONESTY IN THOUGHT. There is the concept I think about. I have a spinning mind. It is colorful and clickie, like Wheel of Fortune! I adored the early days of Wheel of Fortune, Chuck Woolery and his fine hair. I loved the hangman puzzle, solving, buying vowels, winning from my living room.

We choose to spin that wheel though, too, don’t we? How it lands, perhaps that is up to the fates, but our reaction to its landing – then, we must contend with that choice too. So many choices, so little to do!

Tammy Faye would say to me, “Alicia, I always use KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid!” I used to scowl. “I don’t like that,” I’d say to myself. I don’t want to be stupid.

But I know that’s not what Tammy meant. She meant don’t over-complicate things. Us geniuses sure like to do that some bigass times. “If I do this, then I can do that, there will be time left over for that, but only if I leave ½ hour early, then we can make that show, but I will miss the end of that, but that’s okay because then we have longer on the back end here…” Oy vey. How we do go on!


The choices I often make, if I am honest with myself, are people-pleasing choices. They may not be the right for me, but I arrogantly think they may be the right one for someone else. I am therefore the giver of opportunity. Therefore, the right one for me to make. It will be better for them, I think. That is thoughtfulness, right? Not always. That is not KISS by the way, that is SELFISHNESS. That is EGO. That is NONSENSE.

When your choice comes from true kindness, true thoughtfulness, then yes – that is so – but when it’s not. Then it’s inner and sometimes outer havoc. We spin.

There are many studied psychological reasons we people-please. Those of us who had bad things happen to us as young ones are notorious for doing it. Alcoholics. Check. Fear of not being liked or appreciated. Okay. But are they honest choices? Motivated by…? Reverse manipulation really. But when it’s truth…right then…we have made the right choice. We feel MOTIVATED by our decision. INSPIRED by our decision. When we help others freely, then that is goodness in action. When we don’t…Hmm…so much for such thought at 8:00am on a Sunday morning. I know it is 8:00am as the bells of St. Victor’s are tolling. Bless the Bells of St. Victor’s!

I’ve just now finished reading The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendkar, given to me by my darling friend Kate Henson in Portland. (She is also responsible for my obsession with Crazy Rich Asians and therefore, China Rich Girlfriend, thank you, darling KK!) Don’t you adore a great friend who offers good books?! Hold on to them, they are treasures, the friends and the books!


In this book, there is honest, unconditional love shared by two of the characters. True, connected, deeply rooted, not governed by looks or expectations, but by SPIRIT, the spirit of true love, and two hearts beating as one. One energy, joined forever. Yet choices made out of duty, expectations and tradition change the course of their lives and…so alas, I awake thinking about choice. Why do we honestly do the things we do? Why do we make the choices we do? Will we make our honest choice today or will we do what we think the other wants us to do? How many times have we said, “I didn’t have a choice.” Really?

We must not be lazy about our choices. I turned my car around at 7am on Wishire the other morning. I saw these amazing balls floating in MacArthur Park. I could have just driven by and said how pretty, I wonder what they are? But instead, I got out, looked at them swaying in the sunrise and looked them up. Portraits of HopeSpheres of MacArthur Park. Made by children and adults in Los Angeles. I learned something. I experienced the miracle of civic art. I chose to stop and look and I got a small miracle!


I am encouraged to be honestly thoughtful today – at least so I don’t have a resentment later on. I may feel slightly guilty – because I’m not people-pleasing – about a choice I make, but I will feel worse about the resentment I will create if I am not honest about the choice I make now. Many of us live with many resentments ~ tiny, big, gigantic, minuscule, sometimes everlasting. But the thought that comes this morning is “Don’t leave before the miracle happens.” We say that in Alcoholics Anonymous, but it is true for every moment we make a choice. If you chose otherwise and not be honest, you might leave before the miracle happens. We may not get to see the tiny miracle that might otherwise change our lives. It may hit the one-million or…we may lose a turn. It may be that we have the tiniest feeling of wondering, what if I had done it that way? I have personally walked-away so many times before the end officially came. I watched a miracle happen right before my eyes, but because I chose to get up and go, I watched it walk right through the room and right out the door. And I just kept walking away. What if I had stayed put? How would it have turned out?

How many times have we done just that, honestly? More than once for me. But today, is a new day. And I have the power to choose. Blessed BE!

That Singular Moment

That singular moment  ~ when you said “Yes!” instead of “No.”

When you turned left instead of right ~

When you chose to leave the table instead of waiting. He still may return…

When you acted on a hunch, and it was right and you WON!

When you thought to say ‘goodbye’ because you didn’t know if you could say ‘hello’ ever again…

When someone said, “Give them a call, you never know…” and you did. Or you didn’t. The opportunity, another like so many, gone with the wind…

When your phone mistakens Saarbrucken for West Hollywood and you think, Fun! this may never happen again, so you capture it. Or you capture the magical 3:33 at exactly that time.

You looked into the eye of a hibiscus and thought, gorgeous! How could anything be more gorgeous! And you stop on your walk to photograph it. It only takes a second.

IMG_0656 IMG_0660 IMG_0682

All singular moments.

I am the Queen of Procrastinating away singular moments. Or getting up before the time is right. I have also said YES and had tremendously marvelous adventures too. I am not a total loser in that sense, but if I thought how many times I could have…

But I can’t.

What if I had waited to speak to Daniel Day-Lewis when he returned to the bar at the Four Seasons the day after he won his Academy Award for “My Left Foot”? What if I had actually written that screenplay for Anthony Perkins I always said I would. Before he died. And another friend…What if I had sent that email that I said I should? Now he is gone too….

“We can’t vainly regret what has already past…” My darling friend Alecia wrote this to me on a card when we were in high school. I have kept it on my various Frigidaires ever since. A daily reminder. Act NOW or forever hold your peace.

So may times I have said, “No…just forget it…” But why? Fear? Afraid of the glory that could come? The outcome I don’t know and could never predict but use as an excuse to…

What if I had fought for something I chose to give up on?

How many times a day are we plagued with thoughts like this? Perhaps not in total regret, but definitely reminders of how fleeting singular moments are. Moments that define or shape our existence in some way. Sometimes we make the exact right choice, and it is exhilarating! Each of these singular moments, alter our destinies forever.

I have many defining moments when I chose to say YES! and thereby set my life on a course of glorious adventure as well. I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be. God and Goddess have a plan for me.

They will nudge me and you and gift us with moments to choose. How we choose to take that moment and do with what we will, is up to us.

I look at life as a hike up a Los Angeles canyon. There are many routes in Runyon ~ ‘the road’ ~ ‘hard’~ or ‘the hill’ ~ all ultimately lead to Mulholland Drive, but which one will you take? The adventure will be different, but eventually, if you keep on it, you will get to the same locale. You choose your route to arrive at your destination.

I’m thinking about this today. Every moment of our lives we make a decision. What will that decision be? What will be my perspective on it once it’s made? Can I own it and be proud? Or will I panic and think, ‘there I go again!’

Embrace. Reflect. Decide. Do. Be. Fly. That singular moment may be defining. How you respond will be the key. Now turn it.

The Dinner Party

I wrote “THE DINNER PARTY” in 1998, when I was Alicia Diane Gargaro. (I was married to Eduardo Magaña in 2007 and made my name even longer!) In 1998, I sent it out then for publishing consideration, including to Chronicle Books in San Francisco, and to other artists over the years to consider illustrating it. Now that my company, Pictures of Los Angeles, Inc. is publishing, it will come to larger fruition soon, until then, I share it in its original form here. It is one of my absolute favorites!

Dinner 2

She had Happiness to dinner quite often

and Joy and Peace too

Although Peace was rather quiet

she was known to sit and laugh and laugh with Giggling

for Giggling was Darling and Darling loved Friend

Friend had many arms

arms that Hugging filled with Kisses

and you know Kisses was a Flirting for Flirting loved Winks

Winks, he loved to reveal Twinkling

and Twinkling was very close to Eyes and Eyes had Touch

Touch gathered Energy

and Energy, she was wild with Passion!

Passion knew no End

for End was not invited

When End found out, he ran to Anger

Anger was rather hurt too

He slowly approached Need and Need told Express

and Express led them to Understanding

Understanding as she does, went to Bounds

for she knew Bounds was a welcome fellow for Occasion

Occasion herself was very Grand

Grand adored Exquisite and Exquisite yearned for Exotic

Exotic was Exciting and Exciting was fond of Flying

Well you know when Flying was around

Everything was up in the Air

You could never tell with her

Air liked to wrap the Sun around her and be Warm

But when they were at Difference, Difference brought Chance

Chance saw Special and Special, he was Charming

Charming she adored for he made her Smile Inside

Smile Inside was so large

Everyone could sit on her Lap

And Lap was a Wonderful place

Well you know Wonderful was the Life of the party

Because she would gather everyone to Dancing, and

Dancing was the most Beautiful

Although Beautiful was most certainly a Sight, Sight

saw All and All of course was married to Breathe

Breathe took one look at Sigh and Sigh thought of

Knowing and although rather simple,

Knowing was Amazing for Amazing became Life

and Life came from Love

And when Love met the hostess for the very first time

Do you know what they were Creating?

Their own three Very Magic Lights,






Symmetry and the Source

What is Symmetry?

The sources say it is ~ Regularity ~ Balance ~ Equilibrium ~ Evenness ~ Proportion


This morning, I mixed a little of my Urth Caffe Manhattan Mudd coffee with a splash of 7-Eleven’s Exclusive Blend to heat it up. I’m at the Laundromat at 6:30am and a gal’s got to do what a gal’s got to do to keep her coffee hot!

Part of me went, “Gurrl, you don’t mix the Manhattan with the 7-Eleven!” the other part of me –(Full disclosure: I have a Gemini Moon – hence, many voices, many thoughts!) – said, “Why not? Who cares? Do you, Alicia? Not really. Mix it up! We’re all one! This coffee is you, you are this coffee, it doesn’t matter what ‘special’ water blended it, it ultimately all comes from the same SOURCE!

Some coffee enthusiasts might say the water is the key to good coffee. Others, the beans. Others, the cup, others, the place. Others, the time of day. Other’s how hot it is. Being an L.A. Goddess who does in fact like to mix it up quite a bit – different days I go to different coffee places. King’s Road, Urth, or Euro Café Beverly Hills on Sunset. Monday mornings I meet my peeps at Starbucks, then we go to a meeting. Hence, those locales are all in my hood. I’ll do LA Mill if I’m in the Silverlakia. But since I am primarily WeHo – they’re where I go. We all go to different places to get the same thing.


Symmetry and Source – They are parents – forces that raise us to new levels, whether they are your birth parents or family of choosing or have been chosen for us, they help us grow. Different energies. One source. Many designs. When we strengthen our source, we can choose our DESIGN. We can strive to be in balance, to live with evenness to plant two feet and stretch out two arms – and if you are specially designed and don’t have one or the other or neither – you stretch out your spirit in that way.



Now, I have not been having the best week in some ways. I’ve felt out of balance, wobily in my ability to do my job correctly, to perform to my best. I’m not seeing the details. I have been rushing. I haven’t been focusing on perhaps, the right aspect. All of it, throwing off my symmetry. This morning when I awoke and realized I overlooked one more thing, I just about lost it. Then, for no reason that I can explain, the panic left me. The feeling that the source came in and strengthened me.

Reminded me, we, it, you, all of the energy of the world, we are all ONE.

I also know that not every situation is perfectly balanced – on the surface. But all situations have a certain symmetry. But I trust the situation will be what it is meant to be. It is of its own design.

I can’t control outcomes. I can only choose how to respond. I can choose to perceive with balanced energies, even if the outcome is a bit mixed up. With each experience I learn.

From the depths of my being, my source, I can choose to trust and have faith. I connect my symmetry to my source and live from both. Living exuberantly there in! I can appreciate that different designs can come together to create a certain symmetry, but be reminded, that, once again, it is all from the same SOURCE.

Like my Ventura Beach symmeTREES here! They light shines around them. They are balanced and they are unique, as are the lamp posts between them, pointing in two different directions.


ENERGY. SPIRIT. LIGHT. GOD or GODDESS. Who ever and what ever you perceive that to be for you. Tap in today. Meditate today. Envision your source and design your SYMMETRY, honor all the MIXings that make up WHO YOU ARE and CELEBRATE YOU. Blessed Be!