Dark as an Eggplant, Bright as an Orange

Good morning! And Bueno Happy Joyous Spring Equinox!

I have meditated today – and as noted from previous blog – I have not posted in nearly a year. What was the delay? Covid, work, family, procrastination, you name it! But this morning as I have been up enjoying the Crystal Blue Persuasion time since 3am… – “Dark as an eggplant, bright as an orange” was spoken to me several times by my guides.

So I looked up these delicious gifts from the earth – and oranges are primarily a winter gift and eggplant, in summer. So in between are we today! We find ourselves in the in between the dark and the bright light  – in the transitional light of SPRING. This morning in Los Angeles it is windy… it is also the Los Angeles Marathon – or as my kids have called it ‘the Jog-A-Thon’. People will be running, putting their training into action, stretching their endurance, achieving a goal and crossing a finish line – so EXCITING!

I am born 13 April, so Spring is my season ~ I love it, I live it and thrive. The winter darkness looks feels the color of aubergine ~ eggplant ~ to me. It can be smooth, hard, soft and huey. Summer, vibrant, hot and deserty, orangie bright where we live in the West Coast. Criss-crossing opposites, mixed and intertwined, like a garden created by the Goddess!

Spring is light, airy and colorful. Flower, bees, birds and bursting beauty everywhere. And in Los Angeles, the LIGHT… in Spring and Autumn, it is all about the LIGHT of Los Angeles… magic, mayhem, magnificence, moments of beauty so inspiring, I could just weep! The history here, the ghosts, those who have planted before us… here we are. Yesterday, my girls and I planted flowers and reveled in digging our hands in the dirt ~ we await the miracle of growth sunshine and water bring!

We are still in a dark time in the world… obviously, there is great strife across our Earth, but I believe the great Goddess will prevail and the turn of good will happen. Our collective conscious will connect together. The power of the WILL OF GOOD can end the assault once and for all…

We learn from lessons in the Spring. We clean out in the Spring. We spring into ACTION in the spring (as I have written about before), LOVE springs forth in the SPRING and we are sprung from our pods. Covid be gone, battles of ignorance, bullying, insecurity and insane evil come to an end and HEALING and MAJESTY and EARTHLY MAGIC across the universe begin! BLESSE BE!



I was going to call this post, “I JUST CAN’T EVEN!” ~ Then I realized it was May 4th, 2021… The year of us walking through… that which we can’t even believe has happened. But it has, and it is not over… Covid-19 Pandemica is not over… but we are picking ourselves up and we are walking on… step by step, inch by inch…eye blink by eye blink, smile by smile…THE FORCE IS WITH US!

I have been away from this blog since January 2019- The start of the year the Earthquake of Coronavirus Magnitude 19 – jolted our planet. I often thought of my blog… but did not come here. You would THINK this would be the perfect time to blog, as many have through this experience, but I did not. With my family we were figuring out our new world – becoming home-school mom and working mom and navigating this experience the world has since the start of 2020. Friends and family have had Covid. Many friends are essential workers and we are grateful beyond for their tireless work. As we know, so many have left this planet because of this horrendous disease. It has been unfathomable. Our hearts have been turned inside out and squeezed from the tears, frustration, confusion and loss. But it, too, is like a sponge, and expanding again as healing comes. We are figuring it out.

The clouds seem to be passing in California and we getting back to school, many of us, back to work, back to production and the rebuilding of our lives in this new paradigm. Many in other countries are still in the thick of the Covid-19 ravaging storm. We pray every day.

My daughter and I spoke of a houseless woman we have known for years. We have not seen her in the neighborhood area since pandemic. As a family we spoke of her – a smart and articulate woman, living on the streets of West Hollywood. Her eyes have sparkle, even on days when her smile may not be shining. Today we wish this woman very well. We don’t know if she made it through this last year. My daughter said she spoke to God and God said, alas, she has not. But then we say to God and Goddess, please take care of her ~ May the Force be with her and all of you and all of US – for we are ONE ~ LET US NOT FORGET, BUT LET US STAY STRONG NOW AND WALK FORWARD IN PEACE.

As we walk, wearing our masks, wearing our determination to rise above, letting go of our judgments, but keeping our own inner power strong to be BETTER, KINDER, GIVING BLESSINGS TO ALL. May the Force of nature heal us, protect us, and the FORCE of the UNIVERSE guide us to use our imaginations to create a FRESH, VIBRANT and EXPANSIVE WORLD. May the FORCE of the GODDESS and GOD BLESS YOU and KEEP YOU as you STAND TALL and HEALED…. FIND THE FORCE WITHIN YOU AND BEAM IT ACROSS THE UNIVERSE ~ FIND THE GOOD IN THE RUIN AND EXPAND THAT BEAUTY TO ALL!


My daughter was howling at the moon last night… she turned to my husband and me and said “HOWL, MommyDaddy! HOWL AT THE MOON!”

And so we howled! In preparation for tonight’s Super Full Blood Wolf Moon of 2019! I am sure our neighbors were like… okay! But there we three were! We practiced howling like the wolves who traditionally mate during January and February… hence why it’s called “Wolf” moon. Tonight, Sunday the 20th into the 21st of January 2019 – at 7:30pm Pacific Standard Time, in the City of Angels, Hollywood, California, we can view the moon as it passes behind the Earth – and create a full eclipse… it won’t happen again until May 2021. So gather round, all magical creatures, and let’s ground these New Year spells to the hemisphere – it’s time to cast away that which does not serve us and embrace TRUE CHANGE! Howl it away! And call in your true companions, material, spiritual and manifesting!
sunrise 011010

As it is, SUNRISE is my time of day. Each morning I try to be present to see it expand over my view of the City. At this time, I meditate, think about my day, how I want to approach it. How I want to be different. How I can let go of any resentments. How I want to CHANGE. As we approach this exciting time  tonight, let’s think about letting go of that which does not serve us. That which does not spark joy, (thank you, Ms. Kondo for the reminder!) That which is holding us back, or makes us feel heavy.

This morning’s sunrise was quite lovely – blood orange sky beginnings. I tried to capture it on my phone camera and alas, it doesn’t quite work the magic like a true old Pentax single shot camera would. I should stop trying with the phone and get out my Pentax for these moments! The sunrise is always gorgeous above Sunset Boulevard. The magic that is the street, the lore, the energy and stillness before the crowds. We check in with each other psychically, are we ready for this? Do you really want to do this? YAS, QUEEN! LET’S GO FOR IT! And for tonight.. the MOON RISE? YES! LET US HOWL!! We should all live on Moonrise! I am sure there is a street or boulevard called so!

Here is a quick article on this Eclipse 2019 – from Refinery 29 – And there are many others to be found. Howl it out and be free, my friends. Let this first Full Moon of the year – of 2019 – be the one to change your next Sunrise. We are in a cycle, might as well get on and feel the turn!

Alicia Gargaro-Magaña is a writer and producer and author of MISS FANCY PANTS.































Alicia Gargaro-Magaña

is the author of MISS FANCY PANTS

Barnes and Noble



Version 2

Whilst I was meditating this morning… I was driven to interrupt this not-really-meant-to-be-interrupted moment…to watch Susan Boyle on YouTube. She just came to me… it was indeed her now infamous Britain’s Got Talent performance of “I Dreamed A Dream.”

Susan wanted to sing like Elaine Paige… and the next video… I watched Susan Boyle sing with Elaine Paige. From “Phantom of the Opera,” their magnificently synchronistic duet “I Know Him So Well” is simply the utmost. Another dream come true!

I’ve seen Susan Boyle’s “I Dreamed A Dream” video many times, but each and every viewing, I am swelled to tears. Why? I know what’s coming…

But what is it? What makes me cry so? Susan – making her dream come true on stage at that very moment? Her actually singing about her dream…She simply said she always wanted to perform in front of a large audience – and thus. History is made. And we can relive it again and again. It’s magical.

I think that’s it. We are witnessing her splendor of making magic. The magical moment a dream comes true. And that experience… it’s only a few minutes long. But it is life-changing. When we practice our dreams coming true, when we truly BELIEVE, magic happens. It is our intention.


We use our intention throughout the day without a single blink of thought to it. Our intention is our thoughts. I could pick up that piece of trash, I shall and I will. Another sip of coffee. Another scroll of Insta.  A change of the radio. A thought of peace in the whirl of the whirl of the whirl. Halloween is Happy New Year for us witches. Time to practice practical magic for the good of all! Time to get into ACTION and properly use my INTENTION. Keep the mind FOCUSED and ON POINT and join together, so we can all make a dream come true.

HALLOWEEN! Day of New Year, Samhain, All Souls honoring. We must cast our MAGIC for the good of all and for the change each of us wants to create in our own lives. We can have our MOMENT. We can have our NEW. We can MAKE MAGIC and share our own SPECTACULARness. And be GRATEFUL as we do, as we can, as we WILL!


Alicia Gargaro-Magaña is the author of MISS FANCY PANTS

Barnes and Noble



I, who has been ‘away’ so to speak – in production – on a sound stage – away from the day-to-day of everyday life, am just reconnecting to the ‘real world.’

We’ve been in darkness during the light and light in the darkness. We’ve cycled our days and created art. We’ve just won 5 Emmy Awards for our show, RuPaul’s Drag Race! AH-MAZING!!!

Just like any job, really…we go into our day, produce, and at the time of the hour – at wrap – we depart. To leave, to go home to the family, or to a moonlight hike or a restaurant, or do a class, or to the beach… to watch the summer ocean waves drift on and off the sandy shore. We change and exchange, day for night, sand into glass, glass back to sand.


On the weekends, I have been recycling our bottles, cans and plastics to our local West Hollywood exchange. And on set, our talent team did our part to recycle bottles and cans acquired from production. For many weeks, we rather enjoyed our visit to the recycling deposits out in the far valleys. It was always an adventure. We met people. We saw families. We were there exchanging.

For years, I tossed all recycling in the designated blue bins; or I saved them to give to Donaldo, who often gathered bags full on collection days up and down our street. Now, at our house,  I’ve just set up a laundry divider, and re-purposed it to place the plastic, bottles and cans accordingly in their own organized bin. I don’t understand my own excitement about this. My divider cost more than I’ll collect from the deposits, but it is rather fab!

I have a larger obsession with trash and its journey over all –  and with recycling, I can concentrate on and do a bit right away. I can’t bear to see a plastic bottle left in a gutter! Money is being made I am sure…down the line as it is handed over and handed over and picked up and taken to a greater, bigger center in the far counties. Of the few dollars I do collect, I put in my daughter’s piggy bank, we get coffees for the team, or donate. Ultimately, it is exchanged and used for something else.

As human beings, we are exchanged and used for something else on a daily basis. Ideally, we are met with purpose.  I should like to think we make an impact, however, large or small in what we do, day-to-day. We are paid for the great jobs we do. We provide our talents and services – we form bonds for a short while. And just as we drink out of a can of soda, or a bottle of sparkle water – we are nourished in a sense (even a Coke can make us smile every now and then!) – and we are replenished – and then we are done. Sometimes we are finished with a job and another is brought on to do it – or that piece of work is effectively, wrapped as well.

We’ve moved on and we can discard the tools that helped us at that moment and turn to the next. We take on a new instrument, a new connection, a new favor. We experience a new moment of exchange. We learn from each and every one. We recycle our experience when we share it with another – or our work – what we know, we share. We can turn what we’ve learned into something else – something greater, perhaps. Something is not useless just because it has been emptied. It can be re-imagined, re-purposed, and re-filled. We are all vessels, vessels, vessels.

When we cannot see what we are meant to be in the world, if we feel lost or confused, we must refuel and re-imagine our purpose. If I am no longer a bottle of ice tea, I shall become a vase, upon a garden table in Silver Lake, or a mobile, hanging with other bottles, making music across the canyons. Or, I am melted down and recreated to become something else entirely. My journey is not over. This has all stretched my imagination farther than before. It helps me to think in new ways, even if it is just a short exercise. But I, with my new experience, am changed. I am exchanged. I am recycled. I am new. And if I’ve done something right for the environment in the while, then, blessed be! But I’ve taken action, however small, to get something going.

Over twenty years ago, in 1996, when I worked for Universal after it became part of Seagram, I wrote an interoffice memo to Edgar Bronfman, Jr. telling him that I used my Absolute Peppar bottles to make spicy olive oil. I called it ‘Absolute Recycle.’

Edgar Bronfman, Jr. kindly wrote me an interoffice memo in return – (this was before email!) – of which I still have in its interoffice envelope. In his memo, he noted he thought my idea showed promise and would share it. And…that he couldn’t resist telling me that Absolut was spelled without an ‘e.’


There you go! I, of course, was then inspired to create four very fabulous Absolut ads – if I do say so myself – which I sent on to Chiat/Day and promptly received a note back from the agency that they could not consider my ideas as I don’t work there. Hello… oh, well – I remained inspired, none the less, and it excited me!

Later, I had the wonderful opportunity to work for Ford Motor Company on American Idol for nine seasons. I succeeded in melding my production experience with branding… and I loved it. At the time I started, in 2007, the agency was J. Walter Thompson, which my father, originally from Michigan, was thrilled about! He passed away shortly after I started, happy that I had a fun job in the advertising sector, one that was historic in its purpose too!

I don’t drink now so I no longer collect those Absolut Peppar bottles, but I loved thinking it up and sharing the idea. And it was kind of Edgar Bronfman, Jr. to be so…well, kind about it. It’s an encouraging note and those are rare to see these days. But we persevere – we go into our own days, sharing our ideas, recycling ones that may not have worked originally, and make them into something else. We ourselves are changed and renewed. More useful, perhaps. Something original. Something all its own. I go into today, and know, the end is not the end, but truly a beginning. And I get to recycle and envision something rather new. And that is exciting in every way!

Alicia Gargaro-Magaña is the author of MISS FANCY PANTS

Barnes and Noble


Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse Magic!

IMG_5735 2There is a reason we awaken to experience change. To see magic of space, nature, earth, moon, sun and universe taking place – right before our very eyes. There is a reason for us to be present for these quiet but truly spectacular occurrences in life. There are these moments that shift us to remind us we are but one speck in the gigantic ocean of being, yet we are the largest speck because we are the one who is seeing it and taking it in. We are both big and small – but we are at that moment – at all moments – reminded we are ONE. The spirit of art, of music, of writing, of filming, of drawing, of dancing, of painting, of spoken word, of ardent smiles, creatrix manifesting all comes from the one place – yet we all take that energy and release it like lightening bolts from our fingertips in a hundred million thousand trillion different ways. The energy is the one energy the release is divinely manifest as completely unique to each and every creation. MAGIC! ART! NEW! CHANGE! So today in this brilliant full moon celebration, we can all go out and be the change we want to see in the world… and embrace it. Be grateful for this opportunity that we choose to take. Let go of the old story, welcome the new and spice it up a little, why not? Blessed Be! xoxo

Alicia Gargaro-Magaña is the author of MISS FANCY PANTS


Bloom After the Fall

I love to find flowers on the pavement. I have photographed many encounters and am fascinated by the art they create after their fall to the ground. We think of flowers upright, on a stem or floating in crystal bowl at a fancy dress event underneath sparkling lights… but on the ground, possibly going to ignored, stepped on… disregarded for they are not in their usual surroundings. These are the flowers I learn from. If I fall in any way, a delve into a character defect that causes me to act badly, be forgetful, unthinking… or if a project I thought was going to go into action has be halted by another changing their mind… or if I just have a bad day, and my colorful blooms have fallen… I can just change my perspective and look at it differently.  Oh! A New Perspective. There’s an idea!


It’s the glory of it not being over until it’s over… or just when you thought it was one way and it turns out to be totally different. How do I respond? How do I respond to change?  And here we are… the first rains in Los Angeles of the New Year 2018! Two words: SO EXCITING! It was just POURING moments ago early this hour of crystal blue persuasion. Glorious rain! And so much will bloom because of it!


And so here we are into our Winter, blooming after our Fall! Thrilling! And the stories! The stories, these blooms do tell! Many of us have many stories of falling… falling to pieces… falling apart… falling through…and as we come out, we come through, wherever we are and  tell our stories. We are not alone in these similar experiences…so it’s fun to share. Where has that fallen rose just come from? Who dropped it? Did I drop it? I’ve dropped a LOT, let me tell you. My manners most of all! But they’ll grow again… I know I have to pull them out and replant them, plug back in. I may have had a tricky time of it lately… but I’m blooming after all… It’s happening and I’m excited! Like a fallen bloom…I’m excited to shine in a new way.  Every day, every moment we have this chance! Let’s bloom after our falls, shall we? Bloomin’ lovely shall we be! Blessed BE!

Please check out my book, MISS FANCY PANTS!  

Or write me at aliciagargaromagana@me.com



Ah the church bells are tolling – it is 12:00pm and a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN! HAPPY SAMHAIN and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! Those of us who know from WITCH WE COME can enjoy the celebration of such a FESTIVE and FORCEFUL time in the UNIVERSE. The ENERGY of the NEW is ever PRESENT and I am FEELING the NEWNESS in its ABUNDANCE the time is NIGH for CHANGE!

Witch brings me to the QUESTION of our PURPOSE – and the KNOWING of WHERE WE ARE IN THE SCHEME OF OUR LIVES. Are we the FOREFRONT in the LIGHT or the back in the DARK? Are we GOING HIGH when they go low? WITCHES FLY don’t you know?

And this goes for all women and men boys and girls and all in between aside and TOGETHER – however you IDENTIFY is your SELF your TRUTH and your BEING – it doesn’t matter in the end for we are all ENERGY BEINGS exchanging our energy, SHARING IT and MELDING it and MIXING it up! The great LESSON that I am constantly LEARNING over and over again is that I HAVE CREATED MY SURROUNDINGS AND MY LIFE. Everything is a RESULT OF MY THINKING. Be it ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or often, ‘indifferent’ – IT IS WHAT IT IS BECAUSE I HAVE THOUGHT IT SO. I cannot blame or commend anyone but me – as tempting as that may be!

I remember today that I am THE WITCH OF MY DOMAIN and my domain is all my family, friends, work and life. It is EVERYTHING I HAVE CREATED surrounding me are the RESULTS OF MY CHOICES. The lesson I learn is that I can make the MAGIC – MAGIC IS TO BEND OR SHAPE. Magic is the mayhem, the PROMISE, the BEGINNING and the MOVEMENT. Magic is the MYSTERY we continue to DISCOVER. MAGIC IS THE MOTHER, THE FATHER and THE SPIRIT OF MY SOUL. WE ARE ALL ONE IN THE MAGIC TOGETHER. We are the BALL OF SPIRIT. The LIGHT EVERLASTING the BEAUTY and the BUGS, the BRILLIANCE and the BLASTING THROUGH THE OLD TO GET TO THE NEW.

SO HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY MY MAGIC ONES, happy to have a new day, a new WAY to SEE and to BE and to SHARE. When we trick or treat, DRESS UP AND PLAY, we are making new magic for all to partake. So take a Hula Hoop and shake, rattle and roll… enjoy the rain, the breeze and the EASE and play to your HEART’S CONTENT! Happy Halloween to all and share in the MERRIMENT and remember to JUST LOVE today!! BLESSED BE!! xoxoxo


Setting on our Way





444 Mailbox by Christie

Mailbox by Christie


Dress Up!


If you would like a reading or an insightful chat – write me at aliciagargaromagana@me.com



Me as Vampirina’s mom, Oksana ~ doing a Hula Hoop! Happy Halloween!


Be magnificent in everything you do! YES! Momma! I will, you say! For you are magnificent and it really is so easy to do! Magnificent You!

Then we might turn and forget…and feel impelled to be a snarkass mofu – but we can’t!  We shan’t! For as you already know, we are you and you are we and I am you!

So when you are magnificent, then I am magnificent and it is magnificent and the day is beyond gorgeous to boot!

And yes, there is, indeed, poopoo all around us. Si, my Loves, I know. I see it too. Merde, blimey shitey and sticky what-A. Yes, we turn, we look down, we see it on the street. We hear it out of the mouths of many we pay to be regal. We read it all over the social streams. But, we don’t have to be such, we can be magnificent and then the magnificent fever just might catch! We will all burn up with terrific magnificence and then, spring out dancing in the streets, right where we are! Which would be lovely, wouldn’t it?

For as the Beatles pointed out so profoundly, “And in the end, the love you take is equal the love you make.” Love is magnificence!

Let’s start tweeting this, shall we, to those who seem to profoundly forget this?

The choice we make to be magnificent? We will receive this back in heaps and bounds. And I and you will feel the light from within igniting the light from without.

So shine on silver and gold beings and be free, streak in blatant magnificence throughout the day! Gorgeous, beyond divine, magnificent weeeeeee!


Click here for Alicia’s eRomance, MISS FANCY PANTS is available in many magnificent streams of being.