Tonight rises a most extraordinary SUPER MOON IN ARIES!


Take a look from this site, The Earth Child – (and many other interesting articles as well!). With this shift energy we can let go and let Goddess do her bidding with you! Or God if you prefer, Creatrix, Spirit – whatever you want to call the great ENERGY that helps you get to your inner most PEACE and CENTER. We get to HEAL, CONQUER OUR FEARS, we get to say YES! and LET GO OF ALL THAT WHICH DOES NOT SERVE YOU!

We are the ones who direct our lives. We get to make the choices that take the direction that create a RESULT. Make a CHOICE FOR CHANGE today.

So many of us our on our phones, iPads, computers, televisions, smart TVs… you know which device you use – we check our email constantly, we will text before we look up or down at the person speaking to us. We will worry if the answer doesn’t come fast enough. Or we are so distracted, we forget to call our friends, reconnect, use excuses to not reach out when we should. Let this pattern GO! This is the MOON OF CHANGE! GET OUT THERE AND MAKE IT HAPPEN! AND RECONNECT! HEAL. WE HEAL FROM WITHIN.

I am an Aries, so I am extra-INVIGORATED! But we ALL CAN BE ARIES TODAY! Get on a TRIP TO THE MOON and HAVE FUN!! If you in Los Angeles today, get out and join CicLAVia! It’s a marvelous way to connect to with our city and make new friends. Fresh IDEAS, clear AIR and EXCITING MOVEMENT!

Or write 2,000 words. Write a poem! Read a poem. Help a friend. If you owe an apology, make it today. If a friend is sad, be sure to hug them! PAY IT FORWARD. Be of SERVICE! Say, I DO!! Take ACTION to MANIFEST THAT PROJECT! and most of all, be SUPER ON THE SUPER MOON! YAY! BLESSED BE!





It is early HOT morning, LOVE! Los Angeles at its finest in the Fall, quieter, birds are freely flying and sun is rising! Happy 1st of October!                                                                                    blackmoonspell In MISS FANCY PANTS our heroine begins her new life on the 1st of October. Fitting that last night and tonight is the Black Moon! That means two New Moons occur in one month! Did you do your spell? We did! Here is our new white candle burning bright. An exquisite red rose from my “Woman of Achievement” honoring on Wednesday night from The NAPW Los Angeles Local Chapter and gorgeous white fleurs from fabulous World of Wonder who sent their congratulations because of my honor as Woman of Achievement. Thank you to the amazing women of the NAPW and to dear Randy Barbato, Fenton Bailey, Thairin Smothers at World of Wonder. Especially to my husband, Eduardo Magana, who brought it all forward, because truth be told – I was hiding this honor all along!

But it is the BLACK MOON my friends! Time for letting go of old patterns, old beliefs, old habits and ways of thinking that do not serve us! has a wonderful ritual. But you can do your own – every day! For every single day we are given the chance to renew, just by waking up and saying YES! To a lovely new experience! I had to do it all in the last few days. LET IT GO!

napwFor I wasn’t kidding when I said I was hiding my honor. I even spoke about it as the Keynote Speaker for the NAPW event at the Los Angeles Theatre Center on Wednesday night. Why was I hiding? Because, as since I was a little girl, I did not think I was deserving. I was self-conscious about it. I was wanting to just get to the next place and not be in the present. Y’all, I don’t need to remind you that today is a GIFT that is why it is called the PRESENT! Hmm? Even moi, Goddess of Awareness needs to get AWARE!!

We are all BRIGHT STARS! We have a DUTY TO SHINE ! And the SUN – HELLO! BRIGHT STAR! IT SHINES THROUGHOUT THE DAY starting first thing in the morning! And like the famous quote from Marianne Williamson, its our light we are most afraid of, not our darkness. Why? Even I have to ask this. I accepted the honor from NAPW with an open heart and immense gratitude that night. I saw in that moment how blessed I truly am to have had that moment to share my experience, strength and hope for being a woman owning a business for since 2008. I know the ups and downs. I have been with the NAPW Los Angeles Local Chapter since 2008 as well. I know I need to connect to other bright stars and I have through them. They are ALL amazing women in many different fields of life practice.

mvdivarulescoverBut unbeknownst to me, I was preparing for the Black Moon rising for a few weeks. I started by reading Michelle Visage’s outstanding THE DIVA RULES: Ditch the Drama, Find Your Strength and Sparkle Your Way to the Top. Michelle is a powerhouse of brilliance. I work with her on (Emmy-winning! Yay Ru!) RuPaul’s Drag Race She serves sparkle brilliance each and every episode. She serves it when we all kiki (chit chat!) in her dressing room and when she – Goddess bless her – guided me towards one of the most precious gifts of my life! This is the perfect book to read for the New Moon!

And… if you are going to the pictures today – the next best way to celebrate this New Moon is to see Barnet Bain‘s wonderful Milton’s Secret! Eduardo and I were blessed to be at the Los Angeles Premiere on Tuesday night. And PS! Hello!  Not only did I get to hug my darling friend Barnet with whom I worked on the Academy Award-winning What Dreams May Come with the divine Robin Williams. He is an inspirational thought leader, author, producer and director. We crossed paths for the first time in December 1996 for a REASON. He hired me to be his assistant on the production because I was a student of New Thought Consciousness. You never know what will make someone spark to hire you! …And… also at the premiere – I also got to meet one of all-time favorite stars, Lisa Garr of The Aware Show! See! See how brilliant this week is! OMG! I am jumping for joy just realizing it myself!

Are you seeing the wonderful connections happening? STARS ARE EVERYWHERE and WE ARE EVERYWHERE! Milton’s Secret is a story of moving from chaos to stillness, from unconsciousness to consciousness from war to peace  – sometimes as simply by taking a breath. Letting Go. You can do this too. Stars send their energy to Earth to light the way. Each one of us is a beacon of light. In fact, we may be the only beacon someone sees that day, so shine brighter than ever!! So DREAM BIGGER on this amazing NEW MOON!  Write, dance, MANIFEST! Have a MANIFEST EXTRAVAGANZAA and get ready for what’s to come, because powerful stars are POWERFUL, POWERFUL! And you will have FUN most of all! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!! dreambigger




Into the Sleeping Boat

I awaken to the sounds of birds all through the canyon. Actually, I haven’t slept all night, so I ARISE, I should say. Off the floor, off the couch, off the night I spent walking about my mother’s house, listening to snoring in other rooms. Wistful whispering sleep of others in yet others. Night owls and moon glow swooping over the mountains. Night in Palm Springs. Glorious as ever.

I am not a sleeper. I know I shouldn’t say it or put it in writing thus making it so. I know I should mantra, “I sleep like a dozing baby in the sunlight with not a care in the world.” But I don’t. Even as a young child, I awoke before dawn, before television started for the day – as television used to sign off at night and then start again at 6 in the morning. It wasn’t 24 hours until the late 1970’s – and I watched color bars until the flicker of the start of “Sesame Street” or “Electric Company” or “Dusty’s Treehouse” or “Captain Kanagroo” – I adored Mr. Green Jeans!

There are books galore on how to sleep. So many recently published by those who advocated less sleep in the past. Advice! Turn off electronics! Don’t drink coffee after breakfast! Don’t watch violent shows right before bed! (But I LOVE “Person of Interest” So very sad to see it go!), read, say affirmations! Relax! Recount your day like a movie, from wake up to into bed…Be grateful!

In high school, if we had a long night of partying, i.e. playing quarters, dancing to ABC and Bananarama and everyone passed out, I would still be awake. I missed the sleeping boat. It went across the river and left me on the banks. I watched it go. I sat up all night, listening to the snores, the drooling, the out-like-a-lights! If not in my own home with my parents away for the weekend, then in another, up in the Canyons, or the Hancock Parks, curled up in chairs by windows watching the night sky turn slowly into dawning day, panicked because I had not slept all night. What will tomorrow be like?

I should like to get into the lovely sleeping boat one night. I should like to travel in it down the river. Where does it go? To dreamland? To our parallel life and drop us off for the night? My beautiful aunt loved to sleep. She said she went to her parallel life every night. I know my parallel life is gorgeous and relaxing. Right now, we are in the South of France. Up on the hillside, overlooking fields and fields of lavender. I feel myself walking up the cobblestone ways of ancient Roman hilltop towns, buying provisions for our early dinner on the large table on the patio. There are colorful cushions everywhere, plenty of wine for those who drink and coffee and sparkle water for those who don’t, and we have not a care in the world… I feel it daily. I know I am there just as I am here. It’s vibrant, beautiful and inspiring. Everyday I dream of joining it with me here, in Southern California. And there, sleep is not an issue.

Waking up in Palm Springs puts me there too. I’m still the only one awake now. The hooting owls are hooting and buzzing bees swooping. I brought my Kings Road Coffee – (Hello! We need the best!) and I gaze at the lizardies skittering across the desert, hummingbirds hum by the flower bushes, and other critters twitter away, beginning their day.

Desert Sun Rise 12 20 15

I feel like if I put it in writing, things will change. A part of me knows that this is also learned experience. My grandmother didn’t sleep – my mother doesn’t sleep – I grew up with this. I am also 49 now and those of us who are my age knows what this means. During this transitional time, many women don’t sleep. My arms go numb as soon as I lie down, so I know I have to go back to the doctor to have them adjust me. Sometimes I am nervous to close my eyes and disappear and I can’t seem to get over it. What will I miss? What really happens to us when we sleep?

People tell me I will. Now, as I get this all out – it feels like a lot of manifesting noise to me. Wah wah wah! I can’t sleep! Who cares! I know it’s important, but get over it! Just do it! Ha! It’s a storyline that is tiresome, literally, that is for sure. Even with all the how-to’s out there – I can only hope there may be someone out there who truly understands, when the directions don’t help. It makes me kooky, not to mention not feeling pretty at all. How much beauty crème can a gal apply?? How many times can I ask why?

I am a blessed and bountiful Goddess with gifts galore and truly, not a real care in the world. Bills and debts and concerns for the future are all just facts of life. They are not special to me alone. I need to stop thinking about those and get on the sleeping boat and see where it goes. To not be afraid to sleep. To join my parallel life and visit it for real. I know I sleep there, because I wake up refreshed, ready to go into the day, day after day! And where today? Train to Paris, of course! Or truly…back to L.A.!

Super Full Blood Moon! Full ReNew in Aries!

Tonight ~ Sunday, the 27th of September ~ the Universe will host a Super Full Blood Moon Eclipse!

Thank you, Universe, for allowing us to experience this spectacular event and for allowing us to be present for it ~ rare, energetic, magical ~


This total lunar eclipse known as a Blood Moon for its fiery red glow ~ which last happened in 1982 and will not occur again until the year 2033~ is the final one in a succession of four lunar eclipses which happened over April of 2014 to today, Sunday, 27 September 2015. A Day of CHANGE, Blessed Be!!

Muggle news across the interwebs including NASA and in the UK – illustrates the scientific happenings ~ The moon is closest to the sun – becoming a Perigree Moon ~


Goddesses, Witches, Druids, all of us consciously honoring Earth and Universe magic and reverence know it is a time to renew ~ let go, clean out, prepare, become stronger, brighter, fully-majestic in our spirits and in our hearts and in our lights. Sites such as Magical Recipes and the work of my friend, Goddess Joanne Ameya Cohen divine the moon celebrations and what they mean for the greater good ~

The full moon in ARIES is a CALL TO ACTION ~ It will be UP TO YOU on how you can MAKE THE MOST OF THIS MOON for your own spirit, your own desire to RENEW. To embrace change. Your commitment to LETTING GO OF PAST WOUNDS, and to COMMIT to letting go of those aspects of our personality and habits and reactions that don’t serve us, and to choosing to CONNECT TO OUR TRUTH. Deep, down, honest. Create a ritual, don red, burn red candles and feel the fire in your spirit connect to the whole CREATRIX ~ no matter what you believe or practice, you cast a spell when you speak, we speak words of wisdom, change, faith, belief and renewal today.


As a spirit being of the Goddess and God, we must all be committed to the HIGHEST GOOD, and in so doing, we HONOR OUR SPIRIT that has been with us since our spirit’s inception. Before we came to this Earth, and through our next visit here if it is indeed Earth where we alight next ~ to our next destination. We are here to bring forth BLESSINGS OF CREATIVITY, to allow our GIFTS TO BLESS OTHERS. Our gifts are as simple as a hug for another person, or as large as a creation of art of some kind. OUR GIFT IS OUR TRUTH, OUR TRUTH IS OUR GIFT.

Most of all, LOVE YOUR TRUE SELF through this day. Give yourself the gift of cleansing. Of clearance all that clogs our spirits and minds. Many of us may feel fragmented, I know I have of recent. I close my eyes to connect to the MOON, the LIGHT, the BEAM FROM THE SOURCE TO MY HEART. I CONNECT WITH YOU ~ I connect with my family and friends, my future friends – we all know each other now, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED NOW, the past, present and future are all with us now. EMBRACE OUR UNITY and look into the eyes of that spirit passing by and say, “I LOVE YOU.” When you do, you reinforce love for yourself, making your light even stronger for all the world and universe to see.

WE ARE ALL ONE. Never, never forget. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. Even if you think you aren’t, you are.


Goddess and God ~ Creatrix Light Being Source Energy  ~ with your beauty manifested in me, I can grow forth to meet the world, to share in the greater, divine purpose, to not let past negativity become me, to clear my channels and illuminate the light within ~ that which I share with all of us together in the Universe ~ all  in Love ~ I stand before you under this Blessed Full Blood Moon, Shining Thorough The Eclipse ~ committing to bringing forth the magic within to With All  ~ So Shall It Be!



Read more from Alicia Gargaro-Magana in her visionary romance novel, MISS FANCY PANTS ~